Night Liches are existences that absorbed a large amount of magical power that surpasses even Elder liches. Very few Night Liches have ever been confirmed in history and the living are grateful for it. Night Liches have a great amount of power and are able to use the high-tier magic called "6th tier", which is beyond the realm of humanity. With those powers, they can go head to head with old-ranking dragons. In addition, they have many special abilities and are commonly surrounded by many other undead. They have high intelligence and often settle in impregnable fortresses with 10-20 layers deep. One is even the ruler of a nation, the King of the Undead. In fact, the three well-known night liches are The Dragon Night Lich "Guphandera Argoros", The Gaint Goodess Night Lich Hueiron, and The Shadow King who is known as "Fear". They rule over a territory comparable to a small country and are known to neighboring nations as the existence of Fear. Those known as ...
People keep asking some questions, so let me explain the situation. I bought volume 15, but its going to take a week to get it (shipping). My buddy in japan figured... since I already bought it, why not send me some photos to spoil me. So he sent me almost 100 photos of the pages. However... half of them I can't see the page numbers and they didn't load in order. So I have been stuck trying to piece together the different pieces. Originally the Chinese community wasn't going to translate it... but things happen and it looks like they are. Luckily for me, I have a friend who knows Chinese so I basically made him read me the Chinese translations, so I could piece together my Japanese Translations to make sure everything was... right? So you are receiving pieced-together translations from a guy who has 2 years of Japanese that is relying on a friend who hasn't lived in China for 17 years.... so just let that sink in for a moment. This is why this blog is titled "Tran...