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Overlord: Volume 15 - Thoughts 5

People keep asking some questions, so let me explain the situation. 

I bought volume 15, but its going to take a week to get it (shipping). My buddy in japan figured... since I already bought it, why not send me some photos to spoil me. So he sent me almost 100 photos of the pages. However... half of them I can't see the page numbers and they didn't load in order. So I have been stuck trying to piece together the different pieces.

Originally the Chinese community wasn't going to translate it... but things happen and it looks like they are. Luckily for me, I have a friend who knows Chinese so I basically made him read me the Chinese translations, so I could piece together my Japanese Translations to make sure everything was... right?

So you are receiving pieced-together translations from a guy who has 2 years of Japanese that is relying on a friend who hasn't lived in China for 17 years.... so just let that sink in for a moment.

This is why this blog is titled "Translations Gone Wrong"... Its the wild west of translations and you never know what you are going to get. 

Luckily for us Hitori has descended from the heavens to gift us our salvation... So I 100% recommend using those translations. However... if for some reason you want... a little peak at some spoilers. I may just keep going. I may skip around a bit, I might even start volume 16 when that comes out... who knows?


  1. What you are doing is great. Thanks for the tl.
    Hitori is starting from the prologue so it might take awhile before we see any of the other stuff. Is good that other translators are trying to tl other parts of the book to give us spoiler.

  2. I hope you continue translation chapter 2 and when vol 16 is come then you switch to vol 16

  3. I’d appreciate as much as I can and are willing to do. We will take any translation, even Mtl.

  4. What happen? No more tl?

  5. Where do you find the Chinese translations? Please provide the links.

  6. @Bryku My man its been nearly 2 weeks, how goes the translations? Are you doing it or is someone else gonna do it. I was hoping for bi-weekly uploads but all quiet on the western front it seems. Update us soon brodude :P.

    1. I will be releasing some here pretty soon. I sort of stopped because hitori took over.

    2. @Bryku no worries man. I appreciate you initiative and hard work. Thanks for bringing us all so much joy through your translations. Without gems like you fans and the community will be exiled to boredom and the insignificance of mundane forum gossip and the seasonal discord mashups of fan predictions or worse - the dreaded darwinian popularity contests that are "anime fan art/concept art" competitions (shudder). Without fan translations its a deep dark abyss. No pressure though, 😂. And thanks again. Cheers.


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