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Overlord: Volume 14 - Chapter 4 (part 3)

I thought as the last King I shouldn't show an embarrassing display.
Ramposa tiredly laughed, I'm really tired.
"Climb. It's the duty of the royals to stay behind, take it(Razor Edge?) and run.
It may be more difficult now, but inside the Royal Palace, there is a hidden passage leading to the outside of the royal capital. If you make it in time, you can safely escape to the outside."

"There is no need for that".
"Until now, the orders of the King and Renner did not conflict, but now... Climb is unsure, however, he firmly grasps his fist.

Certainly, I don't want Renner to die. However, it is more important to follow Renner's orders.
First, if I could obey the order, I had Evileye take me with them. Clime, when they learned that Clime wasn't going to leave, they asked him to come with, but the emotions contained within are the exact opposite.

"Father, Climb is mine. I didn't even hear her father's orders."
"Yes. That's what it looks like, but when I really think about loyalty, I think I should take Renner and run away.   If you are going to take her away in the sense of _______, I will send her as a messenger.

"Climb opens his eyes, for a moment his heart sways, it is greatly shaken by the appealing proposal.
I lie or say that I have never had such a dream. Sometimes I thought about Renner and comforted myself, but then he chose to die as a shield for Renner.
"It's an overly attractive proposal, but I refuse."

Climb says with the feeling of discomfort. As he glances at Renner, she had a strange smile. I'm sure she praises me for my loyalty.

[Renner] "Then, it's my turn to say why I was in a hurry. Father, please give me the crown."
[Ramposa] "Why?, I don't think I should hand it over"
[Renner] For the one who destroys this country (Ainz?).
[Ramposa] "If that 's the case, then we should also offer traditional crowns, and as long as these crowns remain... the history of the royal family also remains.

"I think so, that's why I brought it to the treasury."
"I think it's better to hide it in the Royal Capital and tell the Sorcerer King, I hid everything in the city. If they were to destroy the Royal City, The Sorcerer King would never find it.
"I see, that might be a good idea. Maybe he will hesitate to destroy the Royal Capital?"
"Helpless as it may be, even if it means the survival of a few, I should do it."
"Ramposa, removed the Crown that was on his head,..."
"Father, Not that one, the crown used for a succession of the throne should be hidden."
"Oh, yeah."

Father reluctantly handed over the jewels using in coronation, and the national seal.
"Are you sure you want to keep them all indicating the throne and the country?"
"The more bothersome, the better."
[Renner] "Yes, of course. Climb, May I ask you to hide this?"
[Climb] "Of course, Renner, but where should I hide them?"
[Ramposa] "Yes, I think around the area of your brother."
[?] "Do you mean Zanak?"
[Ramposa] "Yes, that one"
[Renner] "Father, it was actually my brother's idea. He also arranged everything to hide it.
"I'm a little worried that it might have been heard of by Marquis Raeven"
"Yeah, that child seemed to disappear", and when Ramposa coughed, he looked as though he was crying.
“Oh Right, Climb. In the warehouse district that was once devastated by the Jaldabaoth attack. There's a little warehouse there.”

Renner explains in detail. However, it is rather complicated and I am not very confident.
Perhaps she sensed such a feeling from Climb as she wrote a simple map using the paper on the desk.
"It's a simple one, but if you have it, you'll never get lost."
"There's a hidden basement here. Please hide them there."
"It's over."
Climb looks at Renner's face. Don't tell me not to come back.
At the last moment, I definitely want to serve you.
After a few round trips, Renner told me that I was able to convey my feelings.
"Please be sure to come back safely." It is unknown how far the army of the Sorcerer King has invaded, but it is highly possible that it has already surrounded the Royal Capital.

The option to leave here is risky. However, there can be no hesitation. If your master tells you to, you do it.
"Please come back safely. You'll run away instead of fighting."
Even if you understand Climb's resolve, unfortunately, you can trust his ability.
Probably not, as he pushes forward.
(dude i have no idea, what this means)

"Ichihah!” (sound effect)
Climb strongly took it, and this time it seemed that he could have convinced Renner.
(to leave with him)

"Yes. Then, it may be difficult for you to leave the palace, can't we just ask Climb to take it?"
"Okay. I'll tell you."
Climb was very surprised when he heard the explanation from the king. It was an aisle that had been through several times. I didn't realize there was a hidden passage in such a place.

"Climb, it doesn't matter if I'm a little late. Please be careful so that you won't be robbed of them?"
"Of course, Renner can entrust this to me."
"Even if it ends, or if you have any worries or concerns, please come straight back. Is it a situation where you do not know when the army of the Sorcerer King will come."

”Her Words are strange but similar. It seems that Renner is very worried. Climb also replied with all his might to ease her concern.
"Of course, I'll be back in a hurry."
"Yes. Thank you."
Renner smiles as usual. When Climb tried to leave the room, he saw Ramposa giving Renner something like a vial. I can imagine it somehow.
Climb bows and heads for the hidden passage where he was told to leave the room. Which he used as he left for the Royal Capital.

This isn't normally the case, but the Royal City was quiet as if all the inhabitants were gone.
Meanwhile, in the distance, I heard something like the roar of a giant beast.
But, I didn't understand what was going on there.  Besides, the Royal Capital is also large.
It would be difficult to grasp the surrounding conditions unless you climbed the city walls surrounding the Royal Castle and the Royal Capital.
But that's not what Climb should do thinking about, but instead runs with all his power to the warehouse he was told about.
After arriving at the warehouse's destination, without encountering anyone.
It was a long aways away, and because of his cautious movements, it took longer than expected.
The warehouse wasn't as big as I had expected, as I prayed at the two doors, he noticed that it was open.

He returned the handbell he had prepared to his bag and gently sneaked inside.
It's an empty warehouse with no luggage. A dusty smell welcomed Climb.
There is no light and the room is dark because the shutters were closed, but it was no completely dark because of the sunlight seeping through the gaps.
Climb stays near the entrance for a while, paying attention to the outside sound.
After confirming that there was no sound approaching the warehouse, he approached the wall on the opposite side of the entrance.
There are many empty shelves lined up, and the third shelf from the right is pushed down.

At first, I was nervous, but when I gradually applied power while loosening it, the resistance suddenly disappeared along with the nervousness.
Then the shelves slowly open up like a door. The inside was a perfect palace. Because it's a small room without a clear window. 

Climb removes his helmet and looks around the room.
(100% this isn't accurate, i have no idea what they mean about wearing a helmet to magically at the room.) 

A handle stuck out on the floor of the rugged room, and when I lifted it up, a spiral staircase to the basement appeared.
A little down the spiral stairs was a small room with shelves. This is the same as above, but it was empty.
The amount of dust collected is also considerable.
The treasure of the Royal Family was left there and Climbs role was finished.
Climb returned to the ground and leave the warehouse. Now, he must run all the way home.

After Climb sees the Royal Castle ahead, he coughed, "Eh?"
The Royal Castle is white and protected by a thick wall, but it was dyed white.
Moreover, it shines brightly in the light. It can be said that it is a beautiful scene from an outsider's perspective.
But if you live there, it will be an extraordinary situation.
(this was a big confusing, mostly guessing, idk)

"Ah, good. Isn't it dangerous to be there?", Said the child's voice.
I saw a girl looking down from the roof of a nearby warehouse.
She had black skin and held a black staff, a female elf.
[Climb] "What are you doing?"
[Mare] "Oh, uh, I'm planning to destroy this area.  So, it is better to go there sooner than later right?"

I understand that this girl is definitely a magic caster.
I stopped trying to pull out my sword. She doesn't look strong, but they can't be alone if they have invaded this far.
It would be dangerous to think of them as a mere girl.
Maybe I can fight or win, but by the time I hear the undead of the Sorcerer Kingdom, I can not return to Renner.

My mission is not to defeat the enemy, but being by Renner's side.
First of all, he must be careful for Renner.
For a moment, I almost gaze at the warehouse I came out of, but I hold myself back.
Behaviors that are suspicious because they cannot be controlled must be avoided.

Climb turns his back on the girl and runs away.
There was fear that an attack might come from behind.
However, I was more motivated to return to Renner in the Royal Palace as quickly as possible.
Without wasting a second Climb rushed out, and the sound of a collapsing house rang out as he turned the corner.
He ignores his desire to check the situation as he was worried about being followed.
Crime arrived safely near the hidden passage, looking back to see if anyone was following him...
He finds black smoke that extends to the heavens.

"Is the royal capital burning?" The building's in his line of sight obscured his vision.
I don't know the exact location, but it was thought that there were more smoke than before.
I wonder if the previous girl is not a leading unit, but apart of the Sorcerer Kingdoms main troops. Maybe they have already entered and are looting.

However, I can't hear the screams. Climb stops his line of thought, there is no need to speed time with such questions now.
He must return to Renner and tells her that he was successfully fulfilled his duties.
He will be next to Renner until the end of his life.
Crime runs through a hidden passage and returns to the Royal Palace.
The Royal Palace is very quiet, I can't understand it.
The former Castle looks frozen, without a doubt, it is due to some kind of attack from the Sorcerer Kingdom.

However, the remaining knights must be defending.
Although it's far away from where the knights are on the line of defense, it's like hearing the sound of a swords even though it was quiet just a moment ago.

It's deeper silences than before... Far from the Royal Palace he knew.
There is a loneliness in the world as if you were the only one.
Climb made a slight noise and ran back to the King's Room.
Maybe he should open the door politely, but Climb ignores it and opens the door vigorously.
There is no appearance of Renner or Ramposa.
Climb wonders if they are in the King's attached room.
Climb trying to cross the room, wondering if he might be there, he notices a piece of paper on the table.

It's the same type of paper that Renner used to draw the map.
Pick it up and looked at it.
It was scribbled that he was heading for the throne with the familiar Renner.
At that moment, Climb runs out of the room.
Climb approaches the throne and stops, I saw some figures on the left and right of the door to the throne room.
It is not someone who has ever seen inside the Royal Palace.
A woman with pale skin, which isn't possible for a human.

First of all, they must be from the Sorcerer Kingdom, but they don't show hostility even when they see Climb.
It seems that they are not interested. Should I unsheath my sword... or discard it?
(equip it, or hold it in a stance, or drop it as in surrendering, I believe)
One by one, this is how I manipulated Renner. (huh?)
"I can see the appearance of Renner who must have been manipulated into killing her father."
(dude what... this sentence or two, JP WTF?)
Even with all the swelling anger, I am unable to make my body move, as if it wasn't my body. (not sure if fear or what)
"Oh, I just remembered. Speaking of which, I saw it when I was fighting with Gazef Stronoff. Release the spell."
(maybe it was a spell like freeze species? or the fear aura?)
"Hmm, Be free ".
Then, I grabbed the Razor Edge that had fallen to the floor, I quickly stood up with the same momentum.
Then he prepares his breath, holds his sword in his sight, and confronts the Sorcerer King.
Of course, this doesn't make sense.
The opponent who killed that Warrior Captain in an instant and at an unbelievable speed.
However, what else is he supposed to do, the Shield of Renner in front of the enemy?

When the Sorcerer King stood up from the throne, he walked to the Climb."
"Thank you. I'll be a king."
"I'll challenge you to fight. I'll get the sword if I win."
(I'm not exactly sure how to say those last 2 lines in english in a way that makes sense.  We just never say it like that)

The Sorcerer King who walks with no sense of vigilance.
Climbs entire body was filled with anger. All of this is horrible. Without this guy, peaceful everyday life would continue.
No one would have died...
"The princess didn't grieve-" (not exactly sure what this means, maybe "the princess wouldn't have had to grieve?")

It seemed that the Sorcerer King was calling.
It may not even be able to reach him, even if you can cut them with a sword.
(IDK whos perspective this is. JP is always a pain in following perspective and it always likes to change, which is why I don't normally do this)
(But its about: Even if Climb can cut Ainz... he won't be able to reach him)

I will probably be killed before a warrior like me even moves.
(referring to Gazef dying in an instant)

"What is best then?"
Gripping the Razor Edge (climb).
The Sorcerer King took a step forward and I threw the Razor Edge. In an instant, Ainz set foot on Climb.
(I don't think this is literally, but he was next to Climb in an instant.  Most likely stopped time. This may be backwards, but mean the sword traveled from Climb to Ainz in an instant. IDK dude.)
It seems that the Sorcerer King of rigorousness did not predict this.
Although he dispelled his sword, he lost his balance.
Climb squeezes through the gap and hits it with his tightly held fist.
A fist stabbed into the face of the Sorcerer King.

I could hear the screaming voice of Renner calling himself.
It is common knowledge that skeletons are vulnerable to beating attacks.
However, the fist that he hit was severely painful.
On the other hand, the Sorcerer King did not seem to feel any pain.

[ainz] "If it's a story,"
The Sorcerer King reached out at a surprising speed and grabbed the chest piece of Climbs armor.
I try to move, but I can't even budge.
[ainz] "And passion will wake up the sleeping power, and it will trigger my defeat".
(if it was a story, Climb would awaken power within him and win like a typical anime protagonist)
He desperately resisted, but did not seem to have any effect.
It's like a solid wall.
[ainz] “But this is a reality. It never happens.”
After being thrown loosely, the body of Climb is struck on the floor after an unusually long flight time.
Breath leaks from the mouth due to the impact hit against the back.
Climb hurriedly stands up and sees the Sorcerer King.
He didn't even take one step from where he throws Climb.
It's the appearance only someone can take without thinking of pursuing can only be afforded by the overwhelmingly strong man.
(this is really hard to translate into english. Basically Ainz is so strong, he doesn't have to worry about taking advantage of climb falling to the ground, so he just stands there. You see this phrase in martial arts scenes and stuff about a master vs a nub)

"You die here. You aren't worth the effort. You don't have any special talents or abilities"
The Sorcerer King doesn't look like he is looking at the Climb. His eyes seem to look somewhere far away.
"The world is unfair. It starts the moment your born. Some people are born with talent and some are not."
"It's the environment in which they are born, wealthy or poor."
"The personality of the siblings is also important: the lucky ones are given a blessed life, the unlucky ones are given an unhappy life"
"But, death equality is given to all, this is me. Only the mercy of my rule is absolute fairness in this unfair world."
"I don't know what to say, but be reassured. I'm telling you to die."

I am about to be swallowed up by the Sorcerer King's might. An existence that a human cannot achieve. The case is different.
Of course, there is a big gap between the king of one country, the Sorcerer King who uses the magic to easily destroy the Re-Estize army and the Climb.
which is nothing more than a talented warrior, but it's not that different.
It's a difference where the areas of comparison are different, like ants looking up at the sky.
But I knew I couldn't win from the beginning.
Moreover, he is determined to be a shield for Renner with all his power until the very end.
I got a little courage as a flame illuminates the heart that is likely to break.
That's it. All for Renner, for the woman who saved myself on that rainy day. For her who made me a person.

"Is that right? Those eyes?”
The Sorcerer King says something strange.
It may have been told that he still has the will to fight.
The Sorcerer King showed an unprotected back and picked up the falling Razor Edge.
Then he threw it into the Climb.
"It's good to pick up."
When the Sorcerer King reached out, a black sword was held in his hand.
The length of the blade is long, is it a long sword?
Climb picks up Razor Edge while cursing at the Sorcerer King.
In this case, there is no choice but to show a gap.
I remembered the battle of GazeF. To be exact, just before that. The Sorcerer King said in his own mouth.
Unless you have a weapon with a strong magic power, you can't hurt me, but this is a sword that can kill me.
This equipment, which contains many magical gifts, cannot break through that defense. (this was the dagger ainz used as an example)

Climb smiles and talks to Renner, who is approaching and staring at him worriedly.
"Princess, I will save time. If that happens, please do it as soon as possible." (idk if this is about the potion she recieved, which was most likely poison)
Renner takes care of you.
Crime set the Razor Edge a little further away from Renner.
"Did you say goodbye?"
"I want to ask, if you kill me, will the princess be next?" Climb was worried, it shouldn't be silent.
The question was resolved when a humorous laughter of the Sorcerer King.

How would you suffer? I'm sure the best thing is not to answer that question.
When the Razor Edge is slashed, the Sorcerer King easily takes it with his sword.
It makes repeated attacks many times, but the Sorcerer King does not dare to stand on the spot.
It's like his is playing around. There is no sign of attacking from the Sorcerer King.
Like an adult playing with a child.
But that's why it's good. Raise the Razor Edge high.
With the will to put everything into this blow.
As shown in the battle that was repeated a while ago, the Sorcerer King moves with a jet-black sword to catch it.
Now, put everything into it.  Climb activates his martial arts, but that isn't all. He also activates the power of the ring to.
At this moment, Climb's fighting ability increased dramatically. Then as I got accustomed to the movement.
This blow will be a surprise. It looks like you can shake it down with this power _____
(idk, not even going to try)

At the moment when the sword was easily caught, he pulled back with all his might and suddenly thrust at the Crimson Jewel on the abdomen of the Sorcerer King. (WCI)
I thought about it before. Maybe this is the weak point of the Sorcerer King.  Even if it is different, if it can be crushed, it will be rewarded.
"____ "  (no idea what that is suppose to mean, fx maybe?)"I see. It's a good attack." The blow hit with all my power was held by one hand of the Sorcerer King. (Nothing like an OP chad catching a weapon... Shalltear, Cocytus)
A scorching fire ran over Climb's shoulder. The feeling of getting wet spreads there.
The next moment the sensation of being hot turns into severe pain. Climb jumps and learns that he has been cut.
The sword of the Sorcerer King easily cut off this armor given to him by Renner.
However, it does not seem to have the effects of item destruction, so his armor wasn't destroyed.
_____ (something idk... NEXXTTTTTT)
However, the problem is that the attack like the previous one cannot work.
It can be considered that it is no longer possible to defeat the Sorcerer King.
"Is it possible to destroy world-class items with the Razor Edge? It's a very interesting experiment."
"If it can hurt you, the value of the sword will be greatly enhanced."

As he threw it away, it disappeared into the void.
"-Kill you." It seems that the Sorcerer King used magic.
Climb laughs a little, it was because the Sorcerer King was interested in fighting without magic. (100% isn't right, but oh well)
There is no good reason to give your opponent time to use magic.
Climb rushed and felt the sound and bursting pain in himself, along with the word [Grasp Heart].
"It was wonderful." And the field of view is really...
"I'll excuse you.” I heard a voice I didn't remember hearing, and I heard the sound of the door closing.

I woke up as if it triggered. There must have been something, but it seems that all of it is forgotten.
It's like forgetting a dream when you wake up in the morning. As if all the muscles and bones had melted, _____ (idk, stuff or something)
While making an effor to look around, I notice my neck is in pain.
The most luxurious room Climb has seen is Renner's room, but this room is beyond that.
I don't think I could ever forget it after seeing it once... but I don't remember seeing this room in the Royal Palace.
What happened to me?
Why am I alive?
What happened to the Lord? (his lord, Renner I think)
My body doesn't move, but I feel like I'm in this room. (I think this means: he can't move like a dream... but he feels like this is real)

"Oh," My voice doesn't sound good even if I try to call it.
However, the person in the room seemed to notice I was awake and rushed to me.
"Climb woke up!"
Climb couldn't speak out. Needless to say, my whole body is powerless, and I cannot even move his voice cords (throat ?).

However, it was not the reason he couldn't speak.  He was under control of a number of ____
(idk, Emotional shock?)
Tears overflow. That's it. It was all a bad dream. It's a bad dream that the kingdom was attacked by The Sorcerer Kingdom and Renner had to prepare for death.

"Oh, come on."
"Yes, yes. Renner. Climb."
A usual smile.
No, Renner's smile is a little different from the usual one.
What happened? Climb moves his eyes and finds a strange thing behind Renner.
Black wings. ____ (sounds of the wings or something blah blah)
They were the width of Renner, and flapping. I want to think that it is a magical item, but it is to realistic.
No matter how I try, I can't face myself.
(? No matter how hard he tries, he can't ask about it)
Perhaps she understood what caused Climb's astonishment.
Renner's face became cloudy.
"Is this it?"
"I have been changed by the Sorcerer King. I am now a demon (imp), not a person."
Climb opens his eyes. "Raahahhhh"
"It's a strange story. Only I survived."
No, I can't help ____ (something idk)
Tears spill
(whos tears? Renners? Climbs? idk dude, i'm like 6hrs into this)

Renner gently wiped the tears.
Ah, Crime trembles with excitement.
Even if she looks a little different, she is still Renner in his heart.
(because she was alwasy twisted O.O LMAO)
"So I'm sure you're wondering why you're alive."
"Before I answer, Climb will hear of my residence. I was turned into a demon and live in koe tochi no"
(idk, tried to google and found 4 webs sites about fertilizer).

"but it's hard to live eternally alone."
The Renner looks "Climb. Will you be a demon as well?"
All of me is dedicated to Renner. I try to desperately move the immovable body of mine.
"Thank you. I answer the question I mentioned earlier."
"In fact, I promised His Majesty, The Sorcerer King my servitude in payment of your resurrection"
Climbs open his eyes wide.
"Don't be shocked. I don't think it's a bad deal. I won't have to live alone.  Its okay Climb"
"Do you also vow to his Majesty The Sorcerer King?"
"Yes. I'm confused, but if Renner vowed to obey, I would have to obey it. No, there is no option here, I won't let you do it yourself"
"Thank you, Climb. Maybe His Majesty The Sorcerer King really _______ " (idk sorry)
"__________________ It's painful for me" (... idk man, don't ask)
 "Oh, oh, no, no."
"Thank you. Climb, let's finish the story with this. Let's take a rest. I'll take care of you."
After laughing with a smile, Renner quickly left.
“Please rest comfortably.”
As I heard the sound of two doors opening and closing from the person facing Renner who had disappeared from view.
Crime removes mosquitoes from his body.
(JP WTF?, This is probably some saying that I just don't know. I actually tried to google this one, I found other examples of it, but still don't know what it means.  Like Anxiety? pain? fear? idk)
Then, the sleepness hits him again.  Climb lost consciousness as he sank into darkness, as tears being to fall. The tears were caused by complicated emotions, and it was impossible for the Climb himself to explain what the tears were.

After leaving the bedroom and moving between the two rooms, Renner looked at the person sitting on the sofa and she quickly dropped to one knee.
(I probably misunderstood this)
“This is Albedo,” Renner bows deeply.
"I am very sorry for the late appreciation. Thank you to Majesty The Sorcerer King for your cooperation in arranging the poisonous beans and acting in the throne room. Thank You very much"
(poisonous beans, probably another saying. I'm think its like the english saying "seeds of doubt" or something like that.)
"Fufu. It's good. You don't have to worry. We will spare no effort for talented people."
Renner shuddered a little to the words with a slight accent.
Perhaps the opponent's movements have been spotted, but Albedo says nothing.
I just feel her eyes stairing down on.
(not really it, but it didn't make sense)
"Fufu. I'm not so nervous. I and Demiurge fully understand your ability in this Kingdom."
At that time, until I met the demon named Demiurgos, the kingdom perished.
90% of the incidents were caused by Renner, and I have the pride that I was able to guide them well.
Only when I switched to killing most of the inhabitants of the kingdom, I was worried that I was going to be thrown away but other than that it is almost an error.
"Please show this excellent ability while working for Nazarick."
"Of course, Albedo-sama"
"Ainz appreciates that much, so don't let me down."
Albedo's tones towards Renner changed slightly.
Renner just keeps silent and continues to thank them, its the only thing she can do.
"Let's look forward to your efforts for the next thousand years"
(i have no idea, this is most likely a horrible guess)

There was a sound of something placed on the desk "clunk"
(lol, idk whatever sound it is suppose to be, you make it up)
"I'll give you the seed of the fallen (race change item)."
"I'm grateful, I'll do it as soon as his body recovers"
"It's much faster to recover by magic. Your grace, I will not do that."
(she wants to take care of him remember ;) )
"Thank you, Albedo. Thank you, His Majesty The Sorcerer King"
"Renner, I'll repeat myself, Don't let me down. It is because we have a hostage, but trust in your work"
Renner bows deeply to a soft voice that makes you feel familiar.
"Yes, Albedo-sama. I will complete my work happily” (I think?)
With a silent laughter, her direct boss (albedo) stood up and walked away.

Renner, who kept lowering her head lowered, finally lifted her head with the sound of the door closing and then exhaled.
There was a slight fear mixed in. I was able to get through the last hurdle
(I think this means requirements for the race change... or maybe joining nazarick)
The other party is a demon. I came to this point and finally stood up without being told. She was deprived of hope. (I'm not sure about this line)
However, I'm can't be sure my position is safe.
I can't be trusted in this place.
(not sure if she means "I can't trust this place" or "That she isn't trusted")
I was only able to get such benefits because I was highly useful.
That's why Renner will work hard and prove she is worth more.
This is just a monster's nest, and the other side knows that no matter what you do, it will never be enough.

To that end, Renner had to create weaknesses. The more it is, the better.
By handing the tip of the leash wrapped around my neck, I had to visibly show they dominated, that I was a dog and they were my master.
Had it not been, they wouldn't have trusted them.  Only because of that, a play was performed between the thrones.
(yeah, thats what I thought, makes 100% sense... in the next few lines you will see, i might be the best translator... or not)
Renner told Albedo about Climb, her biggest weakness when they first met to show that she trusted them, and how valuable Climb is as a hostage.
However, she had another aim, but it was overlooked. Since it worked out in the end, there was no problem.

However, there was something outside of Renner's calculations.
I didn't think that the Sorcerer King would do it himself...
(oooh dude... wait for it... just wait)
Awesome person, every time Renner thinks of Ainz Ooal Gown, the battlefield is unpredictable. (SASUGA AINZ-SAMA, basically her calculations don't make sense when Ainz is involved)

It is probably because Renner highly evaluated her involvement in The Sorcerer King's plan for the crown and thought that the Prime Minister Albedo was just acting.
(Guys... I have no idea... this is my best guess, but i can say without a doubt it's 100% wrong)

The ruler of the Sorcerer Kingdom will dance on the stage of your acting. That guy. Albedo doesn't even understand it well.
It is uncomfortable that the person I adore stands in such a position.
Even Renner doesn't have a good understanding who made it.
(I think she is talking about ainz's "plan" for the kingdom)
I didn't think it would play out until her persuaded Albedo to convince his Majesty the Sorcerer King. (Not sure 100% what they mean here. JP work order has been messing with me for the last 7hours. I don't even know if I don't know anymore)

It's a bad idea. If you show a little incompetence, you will immediately be disposed of.
Initial my plan was to show the level of talent and wanted to show myself off, but The Sorcerer King stood on the stage of his own, which put me in a bad position.

Her Majesty the Sorcerer King would have calculated to that extent.
It isn't good that the one who stands on the top is that good.
Still, Renner laughs a little. Her old dreams where smaller...
After meeting him (ainz? o.O), I had such a miracle dream.

It is fortunate that the dream came true for the small price of one kingdom.
I want to dance, I want to sing, joy bursts from my chest.
I want to speak out. Amari and Amari, I'm happy and crazy.

The devil has eternal life. And if you stay here, everyone is safe.
Renner looks at the door that came out. No, the boy sleeping on the pedestal ahead.
"Climb. Stay here with me."
"Let's be together. Let's exchange each other for the first time today today" Renner said.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"More importantly, you are only human for 7 more days. ufufu. It may be the first time to I get lost in happiness" (i'm confused on few parts, but I think you get the drift)

Personal Notes

So it looks like Renner went full Hilma and views Ainz as amazing... Although there is a 80% chance I misunderstood, so who knows.


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